Florida Gifted and Talented Endorsement Courses (Facilitated)
These versions are for school districts that require courses that are Facilitated by an Instructor. Users have 20 weeks to complete each of the 60-hour Gifted and Talented Endorsement courses:
- Nature and Needs of Gifted Students
- Curriculum and Instruction for Teaching Gifted Students: Strategies, Procedures, and Methods
- Guidance Counseling of Gifted and Talented Students
- Educating Special Populations of Gifted Students
- Theory and Development of Creativity: Practices that Nurture Creativity in the Gifted and Talented
This course provides an overview of the nature and historical evolution of gifted education to include its importance, implications, and overall benefits. Significant events, policies, and ...
Participants will learn the various theories behind the pedagogy of the gifted and talented in order to differentiate and adapt instruction. Knowledge of the role of state and national standards ...
Guidance and counseling gifted students to help them achieve their talents requires skillful coaching and motivational address of the students in their care, with a particular focus on college and ...
Course name NEW: Education of Special Populations of Gifted Students, Grades K-12 - No. GT-ED-271 -1
After an introduction to theory of inclusion and giftedness, participants in this course will work diligently to examine and analyze the resources for mainstreaming and research-based approaches ...
Valuing creativity, the knowledge and characteristics of creativity, its importance in the curriculum; implications, and benefits of creative thinking in the classroom will be explored in-depth. ...